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Charities and Organisations within the UK that you can turn to for help and advice, don’t suffer in silence. 

Domestic Violence is sadly becoming even more common in households across the UK. It is important for us all to keep an eye out for any signs of abuse and act accordingly, however, when a person is a victim of abuse it is easy to feel alone and isolated, not knowing how to get out of the situation. Charities and organisations supporting survivors of domestic abuse are often not thought about or even disregarded due to fear of the abuser finding out they have been contacted. Charities and organisations across the UK are there to help and will be discreet if they need to contact you as well as working with you to get you away from the abuse in the best way possible. 

Citizens’ advice tends to keep up with most of those national organisations, which is where the information below is taken from. Local areas often have their community organisations and charities that offer advice too so that is always worth looking into. I will keep the list below updated as often as possible but please feel free to contact me if you have information regarding other organisations, whether national or smaller local organisations, and I will add the information below. 

Organisations For Women

National Domestic Abuse Advice Helpline 

The Helpline is a freephone 24-hour helpline run by Refuge . It provides advice and support to women and can refer them to emergency accommodation. There are translation facilities if your first language is not English. The Helpline also offers BT Type talk for callers with hearing difficulties. The Helpline worker contacts the Type Talk operator so that the caller can communicate through them. 

Website: click here to go to the website 


Their helpline offers domestic abuse advice and support to women

Refuge also provides safe, emergency accommodation through a network of refuge’s throughout the UK, including culturally specific services for women from minority ethnic communities and cultures. 

Their website also includes some information for men who are either being abused or who are abusers. 


Women’s Aid 

The Women’s Aid website provides a wide range of resources to help women and young people. 

This includes The Survivor’s Handbook which provides a range of information including legal and housing advice, tips on how to create a safety plan and advice for people with specialist housing needs. It’s available in 11 languages and in audio.  

They also run a website to support to children and teenagers who may be living in a home affected by domestic violence, or who may be in a violent relationship themselves. 


Rights of Women 

Rights of Women offers confidential legal advice on domestic and sexual violence. You can find out more about what they do and when they’re open on their website. 


Finding Legal Options for Women Survivors (FLOWS) 

FLOWS gives legal advice to women who are affected by domestic abuse – they also advise front line workers. 


Southall Black Sisters 

Southall Black Sisters provides advice for Black (Asian and African-Caribbean) women with issues including abuse, forced marriage, immigration and homelessness. 


Organisations For The LQBTQ+ Community


The UK’s leading LGBTQ+ anti-abuse charity. They offer emotional and practical support for those experiencing domestic abuse, sexual violence, hate crime, and other forms of abuse.


Phone: 0800 999 5428

LGBT Foundation:

Provides a range of services, including information, advice, and support around domestic abuse for LGBTQ+ people.


Phone: 0345 3 30 30 30

Switchboard LGBT+ Helpline: Offers confidential support and information for LGBTQ+ people on a range of issues, including domestic abuse.


Phone: 0300 330 0630

Organisations For Men

Respect – Men’s Advice Line 

The Men’s Advice Line is a confidential helpline for all men experiencing domestic violence by a current or ex-partner. They provide emotional support and practical advice and can give you details of specialist services that can give you advice on legal, housing, child contact, mental health and other issues. 


ManKind Initiative 

Men Who need support can get domestic abuse advice and support from The ManKind Initiative a charity offering information and support to men who are victims of domestic violence. This can include information and support on reporting incidents, police procedures, housing, benefits and injunctions. They can refer you to a refuge, local authority or other support service if you need it. 


Survivors UK 

This is a helpline for men who have been victims of rape or sexual abuse. 

They may be able to arrange counselling or a support group if you live in the London area or provide details of an appropriate service if you don’t. 


Organisations For Men & Women

RCJ Advice Family Service 

RCJ Advice Family Service can give legal advice to people who are affected by domestic abuse or need family law help – find out more on the RCJ Advice website

Rape Crisis 

Rape Crisis (England and Wales) is an umbrella organization for Rape Crisis Centres across England and Wales. The website has contact details for centres and gives basic information about rape and sexual violence for survivors, friends, family, students and professionals. Rape Crisis (England and Wales) also runs a freephone helpline. 


Honour Network Helpline 

The Honour Network Helpline is a national helpline run by Karma Nirvana, a national charity which advises victims and survivors of forced marriage and honor-based abuse. 



Hourglass gives confidential advice and information to older people who are victims of violence or abuse. A relative or friend of the person being abused can also contact the helpline on behalf of the older person. The helpline can be used in the case of older people who live at home, in a care home or who are in hospital. 


National Stalking Helpline 

The National Stalking Helpline can provide advice on how to deal with any type of stalking behaviour. This includes advice on how to report the behaviour to the police, and what you can expect if you report something. 


Respect Phoneline 

Respect Phoneline offers information and advice to partners, friends and family who want to stop someone’s violent behaviour. 


Organisations For Disabled People

Sign Health – Abuse Service 

Sign Health provides a specialist service to help Deaf people find safety and security. You can find out how to contact them on their website. 



Respond work with children and adults with learning disabilities who’ve either experienced abuse or abused other people.  
